****100% Imported From Paris****
Avene Diacneal Cream is essential care for oily, blemish prone skin prividing instant matification and treatment protection. Avene Diacneal Cream contains a clinically proven effective formula containing, Retinaldehyde CT (0.1%)and Glycolic Acid (6%) that work together to reduce the appearance of skin imperfections.
Glycolic helps exfoliate skin for a smooth complexion, while retrinaldehyde provides the efficacy of retinoids for blemish prone skin, with little to no irritation helping minimise the appearance of outbreaks.
Avene Diacneal Cream is formulated with thermal spring water to minimise skin irritation to provide effective yet gentle care for this skintype.
適用範圍 : 單用適於持續性青春痘,與藥物合用治療重度青春痘或膿腫型青春痘
成分 : 雅漾活泉水、A醛、甘醇酸、吸油粒子、低過敏性香料
功效 : 促進青春痘修護調節角質層,避免皮膚變厚和黑頭形成,抑制青春痘增長預防發炎去除痘疤
注意事項 : 避免用於眼瞼和口唇周圍如有不耐受現象,可局部使用如有輕微刺、癢感覺,產品內含物在作用所產生反應屬正常反應可單獨使用或搭配其他青春痘治療